"Here we go! Some changes from last year, but the first four remain the same. 1 - Amadeus 2 - Alien 3 - The Godfather 4 - Kill Bill Vol.1 5 - Contact 6 - Her 7 - Pulp Fiction 8 - Mother (Madeo) 9 - Wh"

"The intro of Match Point is one of the greatest things of Cinema."

"Glasses are hot damn sexy! And loved the joke in the end lol"

"Amadeus is a masterpiece, unfortunately it is ignored by many people."

"1. Amadeus 2. Alien 3. The Godfather 4. Kill Bill (Vol. 1) 5. Tropa de Elite 2 6. Contact 7. Moonrise Kingdom 8. Her 9. Before Midnight 10.Millennium Actress"

"Rocky and Rambo should be in this list too. And Die Hard."

"Also watched The Purple rose of cairo this year. Great movie, but the ending is what really made the story so great for me."

"1. Emma Watson 2. Scarlett Johansson 3. Marion Cotillard 4. Amy Adams 5. Zooey Deschanel"

"1 - True Detective 2 - Lost 3 - Breaking Bad 4 - Fargo 5 - Game of Thrones 6 - Sherlock 7 - House of Cards 8 - Friends 9 - South Park 10 - Band of Brothers"

"Great list... but I was surprised with Spaceballs and Unstoppable (meh). And so sad that Amadeus didn't make it. Maybe you should extend your list to 150 or 200 users next time."

"The only game that I don't like from the Ace Attorney series, is the one that you put in your list =P"

"Never could beat Emerald Weapon =( And dude.... THE END. I remember chasing this son of a b*** for hours (seriously, it took me a LONG time to defeat him), it was kind of traumatic... urgh I thi"